Marco Segantini

A Creative Output

On how sexism teaches women to oppress

“It is sexism that leads women to feel threatened by one another without cause. While sexism teaches women to be sex objects for men, it is also manifest when women who have repudiated this role feel contemptuous and superior in relation to those women who have not. Sexism leads women to devalue parenting work while inflating the value of jobs and careers. Acceptance of sexist ideology is indicated when women teach children that there are only two possible behavior patterns: the role of dominant or submissive being. Sexism teaches women woman-hating, and both consciously and unconsciously we act out this hatred in our daily contact with one another.”

bell hooks, Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center, 1984, p. 56-57.

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About Me

I’m a 23-year-old history student living in the Netherlands.I grew up in Brussels, where I still go back to from time to time. On here you’ll find thoughts about the pop culture I consume, the articles I publish and a plethora of other things.
